about me

Hey there! I’m Sam – your guide to all things wellness and personal growth.

My health journey started in high school, when like many young women, I struggled with over exercising, disordered eating, and an obsession with my outward appearance.

It wasn’t until the lockdowns in 2020 when I reached a physical and mental low point, that I realized my path to genuine contentment meant switching that toxic thinking to self love. I then began my journey into the world of health and wellness.

However, I quickly became more confused than ever, and I still seemed to be failing in every department, my physical health, relationships with others, and to top it off I was struggling with a serious case of post-college-graduation-spiral. More on my quarter life crisis here!

But after failing time and time again to dig myself out of the rut I was in, I realized I needed to simplify things for myself…and for others who may feel confused on their journey!

So I created this blog as a down-to-earth resource for people looking to improve their wellbeing in a sustainable way. I hope to help you define what wellness and health means to you, and share what has worked well for me & helped turn my life around.

Please feel free to reach out to me on any social media platforms. I would love to chat with you!